Monday, October 25, 2010

drivers permit

Just picked up our International Drivers Permit for our trip and looking forward to driving the Spaceship in New Zealand. Check out the cool ride at to see the Beta version of the Spaceship we will be using.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vic has her say

We went to Toronto and did a little shopping for the trip.  Very practical - a good pair of shoes for me, travel towels & socks.  We both can't wait to go and doing a little preparation always makes it seem more real.  According to the countdown Colin put on this computer we leave in 104 days, 19 hours and 58 minutes.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

planning the 2011 tour as we speak

We are in the final planning stage now, having organized flights and hostels etc for the trip. We are just waiting for one flight to get and we are set. Excitement is building but we have a few months to get our act together and get organized for the big day!